Ryan Brü

About Me

I’m Ryan Brü, an author and communications professional. My passion for writing began when I won my first literary contest at the age of thirteen. Since then, literature has had many functions in my life, from pure escapism to a vehicle for personal growth. It’s my favorite hobby, and nothing makes me happier than staying at home with a book in my hands.

Being a bookish introvert has paid off because my work and accomplishments have led to numerous honors. For instance, my adapted screenplay won first place at a college film festival. I graduated summa cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in communications. My research project received the Meritorious Thesis Award, and my books became bestsellers in LGBTQ+ Mystery.

Therefore, I’ve come to recognize literature as my true calling. I draft short stories laced with homoerotism and suspense every time I lay sleepless. Some of them are featured on my blog for free, while others are available on Amazon Kindle Store. So, stay tuned for my upcoming releases.

Ryan Brü Ryan Brü